To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. ~W. Somerset Maugham

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This probably would have been better to start at the beginning of the year, but oh well, I am a fast reader anyhow. I am forever searching for something to read. Since I have tastes that are all over the map, I can't simply stick to a particular genre and read within that. In fact, there are very few things I don't read. I don't care for a traditional romance novel, generally I would rather eat one than read it. I don't mind a book that has a good strong story, that happens to lean towards romance though (the Outlander series, for example, could technically fall into 'Historical Fiction' (which is Romance with a fancy name). I don't typically read Non Fiction, (except for the occasional true crime novel) unless there's a specific purpose for it, something I need to know about. I've also never been able to really dig into most typical sci-fi/fantasy novels. Other than that I'm open....Mysteries, Thrillers, Horror, Inspirational, Comedy, Young Adult, you name it, I've read it. Yes, I am a die hard Harry Potter fan, and yes, I enjoyed Twilight, but I haven't found any other 'teen vampire' type books appealing in the least. I also love Phantom of the Opera and just about anything by Steinbeck. I love James Patterson's Women's Murder Club series, and I also love Dan Brown. I've tried several times to read the Lord of the Rings series, and it just doesn't work with my brain. On the other hand, the first two times I tried to read Wicked I hated it. Third time really is a charm I guess, because I liked it.

This basically leaves me with far too many choices, and leaves me frustrated. I tend to stick to a few authors that I like, and read whatever I can. I've run into a wall on this one, since I have read just about everything written by all of my favorites. I'm trying something new then. I am going to read my way through the alphabet, before the end of the year.

I'm not placing many rules or limits on this one. I will try to steer clear of 'safe' books for me, that is, authors I've already read at length, since the whole point is to discover something new. I still won't be venturing into the romance section. It's just not going to happen. I have a stack here that a friend loaned me, and I really just can't.

So here we are, at the beginning. I will start a new post with my first selection. I am open to suggestions!

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